• 分享綠茵氣息|購買護手霜或身體乳霜系列且訂單金額滿3,500元,即可獲得蔚香水體驗禮一份,創造持久香氛印象。

Bulk policy


The Company’s and Brand Owner’s retail sales policy in all markets and through all channels worldwide is only to sell to genuine end-consumers. All markets, stores, outlets, shop-in-shop locations, websites or platforms (in short “Points of Sale”, whether online or bricks and mortar) must be vigilant to identify attempts by unauthorised third party traders, posing as end-consumers, to purchase Merchandise in bulk for commercial re-sale through unauthorised channels.

The Company and the Brand Owner has a range of measures in place to combat such unauthorised diversion of its Merchandise. Policy

It is mandatory that all Points of Sale apply the following hard blocks for sales to end-consumers:

SKU unit quantity = 10 items per SKU unit Order quantity = Max 20 units per transaction Monitoring

Activity will be monitored against these limits including velocity checks.

The policy will be adjusted as required over time.

Nothing in this schedule shall limit the quantities which may be supplied within the Selective Network.