• 凡於官網購物滿$1,200,即可獲贈 Aesop 環保袋一個。(網購自取除外)

Aesop products in silhouette
Aesop Gift Guide
Aesop Fragrance Anthology Volume I
Favourite Formulations


Citrus Mélange Body Cleanser in an amber bottle and Rind Concentrate Body Balm in a tube with a gift box


Aesop consultant selecting products from a ceramic bowl.
A pen and stack of paper on a wooden desk alongside a brass lamp and two bottles of Aesop hand balm.


Aesop 禮品卡是適合送給講究品味,或身在遠方的朋友——以及介於兩者之間的人——的理想禮物。完成幾個簡單步驟,即可輕鬆解決任何迫切的送禮需要。

A woman pouring Immaculate Facial Tonic on her hand

‘The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.’

Pierre Corneille